Wow, it's been a long holiday for me since i'm in the ''waiting phrase'' between SPM and whatever-God-has-planned-for-my-next-step. Life goes on and i'm gonna trust Him as much as i possibly can. Anyway, i've decided to come up with a TO-DO-LIST for the long run.
This idea was inspired by Jamie Elizabeth Sullivan from the movie A Walk To Remember, based on the book by Nicholas Sparks. If you don't know what i'm talking about then by all means get to it! Haha, although i insist that the book is way better than the movie; and the movie's song: Only Hope way better than the actual soundtrack by Switchfoot. But hey, that's up to you to decide... The following To-Do-List is in no order whatsoever:1 Learn to speak Spanish (today, about 350 millions people speak Spanish as a native language, making it the 3rd most spoken language in the world!)
2 Master the art of horse riding (a dream come true!)
3 Play piano/keyboard in church (i think the songleader's gonna 'badush' my face coz i kindna didn't know the last time when i played the wrong key! Gasp, secret's out!)
4 Run a marathon (hmm, at least i'm halfway there)
5 Learn the basics of sewing (without poking myself until i bleed to death,wahaha, okay Rachel Yeoh says she's gonna teach me, thanks Rach!)
6 Add more variety to my ''widely extended'' cooking menu (other than: curry flavoured maggi mee, tomyam flavoured maggi mee, chicken flavoured maggi mee, and the lists goes on! LOL)
7 Further my education (hopefully something to do with interior designing, yeah man)
8 Read the complete collection of the Chronicles of Narnia (C.S. Lewis puts in some Christiany stuff in his literature which are both awesome and fun to read)
9 Compose a silly song (let me consult my music teacher/ hair stylist/ fashion consultant, you know who you are lah!)
10 ''I'd tell you, but then I'd have to kill you...'' -Jamie Sulllivan
(watch the movie, then you'll understand) Winks.
Stay tuned while i figure out more stuff to add to my to-do-list. Feel free to add/suggest other ideas!