Monday, May 11, 2009

No Running In the Aisles

The weather was a perfect dampness when i awoke fresh and totally pumped up for my first day of Form 6. I gobbled up a hearty meal, took a bath, and wore the most recently added clothes in the wardrobe - my Form 6 uniform! *like wave your hands in the air totally yeah ah! Aunty Grace Tham soon picked me up from home and i started talking with Cass (though i can't remember what of... What did we talk about?). Oh ya, MY HAIR!

I actually did not plan on cutting my hair on the first day coz orientation only ma, and also for the record whereby i can exclaim:'' I had long hair in Bing Hwa for a day! In the face!!! Muahaha! (well of course not hair on my face coz that would be equavalent to a moustache or a beard and that would definitely concern me on a number on levels) Anyway, i figured it's not a good testimony for a Christian and did my best to obey the school rules. *as much as i can lah. hehe.

Upon arriving in the auditorium (that's where the form 6 students are imprisonned for now) , I came to realize that most of my closer friends in school had already left for college if they were not already scholarship holders. Well, on the positive side, I learn to cherish my friends even more now.

Even on the first few days, one can witness the ''kia su-ness'' that is undeniably Bing Hwa. A glance across the room, and one can see notes carefully highlighted in all sorts of colours and scribbles a plenty, and f.y.i. they're not on chapter 1. When the teacher introduces the subject and tells us which book is to be used as our textbook, don't bother buying it at the school bookshop during that recess, coz the place is gonna be packed to the brim! On my experience, I could bearly escape the last time! *Gasping for air... haha

The disciplinary board spent half the day talking about school rules which we're heard over and over again although fail at times to obey. *yeah, tell it to the drooling girl in the back row. And besides, can y'all please turn on the air-con? Sure, many know that Bing Hwa has air-conditioning in the main hall, auditorium and staff room, but do you know just how much they like saving on it too? *at least teachers are spared the misery...

We're back in school, a bunch of rules, let's stare and drool, though recess is still kindna cool. I pity the new students from Phor Tay who are forced indirectly to buy The Sacred Book of School Rules whereby one will be dazzled at the amazing revelations of how many milimeters your stick-on earrings can be, down to how long one can poop in the lavatory. I bet there shall soon be one for ''no running in the aisles'' (gosh, i might get expelled for repeated offences, hehe) Anyway, to all Phor Tay-rians, I say:''Welcome to the army!'' Haha... p/s: they're a friendly bunch.

And that's all I gotta say for now, I'm actually quite contented with my school, and don't mind studying there for another one and a half years en route to taking on the STPM examination. May God's will be done in my life.

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