Thursday, November 12, 2009

Pressure Cooker

I suddenly feel pressured about STPM.

So much to study, so little time.

It's ''only'' 4+1 subjects right?

I'm taking Biology, Chemistry, Pengajian Am (General Am) and Maths

The sequence above is based on different levels of disgust, haha...

Based on my previous post you should be able to guest which is the stronghold and which is the Achilles' heel

Oh and the +1 is MUET- Malaysian University English Test

There's a lot to study and i'm starting to wonder if i'll survive this government exam.

Even though i don't know all my results for the recent final exams, i can make a rough prediction.

Subjects like Pure Maths can really dishearten me at times when i fail to understand/get the equations

but if there's one thing i've learned is that there's only forward and giving up gets you nowhere.

I saw this quotation somewhere just recently...

''We seldom regret the things we do but more often than not, we regret the things we didn't do.''

So muster courage and hold fast to hope...

Keeping the dream alive! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey yoyo !!!! same feelings here..PRESSURE..anyway i think ur results will be very good seriously..just gambatek for the STPM.since school test is just a passer by so gambatek fr now onwards and make a dference!