Erm, for those wondering souls out there, form 6 ain't that bad until you reach the 2nd year. Gosh, there is seriously not enough time to complete the syllabus. And yet, we're expected to excel in co-curricular activities as well coz it takes up 0.4 points outta the GPA (grade point average) of 4.0
So this is a short account of how i'm fighting for that seemingly insignificant 0.4!! Actually i was contemplating on whether i should rejoin the school team when i finally made up my mind to ''retire from running'', but did my teacher listen?... Er, NO. One week before the MSSPP Athletics competition (Zone) begins she tells me that my name has already been registered. I was like... say wha?!? Traning isn't something you can do overnight ya know. (i'd say 2 months is the minimum) To top it off, she's expecting me to grab the gold medals. Gasp! =X
I prayed in desperation on the day of competition because the weather was extremely hot (as it has been in the past month) and really windy. The two elements that really cripple me. It was about 5pm. I remember praying that ''the sun would cease to shine'' and the strangest thing happened.. The 1500m event was delayed for about 3 hours! LOL! That means the race started at 8pm when the sun had just set over the hills and it was pitch-black, but real cooling. The thing is.. i have never, in all this time, seen an event been delayed for more than 30 minutes and now... 3 hours! Haha...
With the weather in my favour, i went on to win and successfully brought home the ''golden bacon''. I praise God for that. Hehe, i just wanted to post this. Not to brag but to express my gratitude to a faithful, prayer-answering God. Lord, You truly are a present help in times of need, you are so real to me :)
1 comment:
super star huh ;P
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